What is Chitosan?

Chitosan, a polysaccharide, is made from crustacean shells such as those of crabs, shrimp, lobsters and others. Chitosan is used as an ingredient in food, medical products and treatments. Chitosan was touted in the past as a miracle ingredient, with claims that it could help weight loss, Gut Health , lower cholesterol, or even fight cancer. What is chitosan and does it really have the benefits that some people claim?

Chitosan: Benefits and Uses

Chitosan is touted as having many benefits. These include weight loss and Digestion aids, along with lowering cholesterol. Studies show that chitosan helps to reduce fat in the body, especially around the abdomen. This substance can help reduce hunger, which makes it easier to lose weight.

Chitosan also helps to improve digestion, by reducing gas and bloating. The chitosan is thought to act by binding to fats and cholesterol in the diet, which then are eliminated before being absorbed. It helps lower cholesterol, improve heart health, and reduce the risk of coronary disease.

Chitosan could also possess anti-cancer qualities. It has been shown in studies that it helps to reduce tumor growth and prevent cancerous cells from growing. More research is required to confirm the findings.

Chitosan: Experts and Professionals' Opinions

Experts concur that chitosan is beneficial to those who want to reduce weight or improve digestion. They caution against taking it in high doses, because it may cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Shellfish allergy sufferers should also avoid chitosan as the substance is made from shellfish.

Experts suggest combining chitosan with regular exercise and a healthy eating plan to help reduce cholesterol. It is always important to consult your doctor prior to taking any supplements, including chitosan. It is also important to remember that chitosan does not replace other prescribed treatments such as statins.

Chitosan: How to Start?

It is recommended that you start off with a small dose of chitosan and increase the dosage over time. It is recommended that you take 1-3 grams of chitosan per day. Chitosan is best taken 30 minutes before meals. You can find it in the form of a tablet, capsule or powder in many health food shops.

It is essential to consume plenty of water when taking chitosan to flush out waste and toxins. It is also best taken with healthy fats or proteins. This will allow the chitosan to attach to the fat and cholesterol in the food and be removed from the body. It is also recommended that you take the chitosan 3 hours prior to or following any medication, since it may interfere with its absorption.

What are the side effects or drawbacks of this product?

While chitosan has a generally positive reputation, it can have some side effects. Too much chitosan may cause nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Shellfish allergy sufferers should also avoid chitosan as the substance is made from shellfish. Also, it is important to remember that chitosan does not replace other prescribed treatments such as statins.

Chitosan, in general, is an all-natural supplement that's safe to use and can help improve your digestive system or lose weight. It is best to consult your doctor prior to taking chitosan. This will ensure that you are safe and it won't interfere with medications you might be taking.


Chitosan, a polysaccharide, is extracted from crustaceans like crabs, shrimp, lobsters and lobster shells. In recent years it has been hailed as an ingredient of wonder, with claims that it helps with weight loss and gut health. It can also reduce cholesterol, fight cancer, and improve overall wellbeing. Studies show that chitosan helps reduce abdominal fat and appetite, while also aiding digestion. Also, it has been shown to reduce cholesterol and have possible anti-cancer effects. It is recommended that you start out with a small dose of chitosan and increase the dosage over time.

Chitosan, as a natural and safe supplement, can help those who are looking to improve their digestion or lose weight. It is best to consult your doctor prior to taking chitosan. This will ensure that you are safe and it won't interfere with medications.
