Pomegranate extract: The power of a powerful antioxidant

The pomegranate is a versatile and powerful fruit that's packed with nutrients and Antioxidants . Since ancient times, this versatile fruit was used in Traditional Medicine for a wide range of illnesses from skin issues to digestive problems. Modern science has caught up with the ancient wisdom - studies show that pomegranate can help promote health and well-being.

The juice and seeds from pomegranate fruits are used to make the extract. The extract is high in antioxidants that protect the cells against damage from free radicals. These unstable molecules can lead to oxidative damage, Inflammation and cell death. It is believed that antioxidants like the ones found in pomegranate juice can help to reduce damage.

Pomegranate extract is also studied for potential health benefits. Studies indicate that pomegranate may reduce blood pressure and improve cholesterol, as well as support heart health. The pomegranate extract may boost the immune system, decrease inflammation and even protect against some types of cancer. Some research suggests that pomegranate may even slow down the ageing process.

Pomegranate extract: Benefits and Uses

There are a variety of benefits that pomegranate fruit extract may provide. They include:

Several clinical studies found support for these purported health benefits. One study , for example found that the pomegranate was capable of reducing systolic pressure among hypertensive individuals. In another study , it was found to reduce LDL cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol) and total cholesterol. Pomegranate extract has been shown to protect against cancer and boost the immune system.

Expert opinions on Pomegranate extract

Experts all agree that pomegranate is a great tool to promote health. Dr. Oz is a well-known cardiologist, TV personality and has been praising the benefits of pomegranate. He noted that it could help reduce cholesterol, inflammation and even protect against certain types of cancer. Dr. Oz encourages patients to include pomegranate in their diet as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Additionally, nutritionists recommend that you add pomegranate juice to your daily diet. Shari Portnoy is a registered dietitian and nutritionist who wrote "The Complete Guide to Eat Healthy." She recommends adding pomegranate to your diet because of its many health benefits. She says that pomegranate can reduce inflammation, increase immunity and help protect you against some types of cancer.

What to Do With Pomegranate Extraction

You should be aware of a few important things if you are interested in adding pomegranate to your diet. It is essential to speak with your physician before taking any supplements, and pomegranate extraction included. You can work with your doctor to determine what dosage is best for you.

After consulting with your physician, you may begin to include pomegranate in your diet. Most experts suggest taking between 500 and 1000 milligrams of pomegranate extract per day. However, the recommended dose varies depending upon individual needs. Most health food shops and online offer pomegranate liquid or capsules.

You can get pomegranate juice from fresh fruit. Fresh pomegranates are a good way to reap the benefits of the fruit. Fresh pomegranates have a higher sugar content than the pomegranate juice, and should therefore be eaten in moderation.

Pomegranate extract: Are there any side effects or drawbacks?

Pomegranate extract in recommended dosages is generally safe for most people. It is best to consult your doctor prior to taking any supplements to make sure that they are right for you. Pomegranate extract can interact in rare instances with medications such as blood thinners. The milder side effects include nausea, diarrhea and stomach upset.

Pomegranate extract is not recommended for pregnant women or nursing mothers without first consulting their doctors. It is essential to stick to the dosage recommended and speak with your doctor about any negative effects.


The powerful, versatile extract of pomegranate offers many health benefits. Studies suggest that pomegranate may reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as protect against some types of cancer. The pomegranate extract may boost the immune system, decrease inflammation and even slow down aging. The experts agree that the pomegranate is a great tool to promote health.

Consult your doctor before adding pomegranate to your diet. You can add pomegranate supplements to your diet or eat fresh pomegranates once you have determined the dosage that is right for you. Pomegranate extract is a powerful addition to any health regimen.
