Acerola is a fruit.

Acerola is also called Barbados Cherry or West Indian Cherry. It's a tropical small fruit that originates in Central and South America. The fruit grows on small shrubs or trees up to eight meters tall. It is round and bright red with thin, spongy skin. The interior contains several seeds. The fruit has a sour taste, but is prized because of its high content in Vitamin C . Acerola, in fact is one of nature's richest sources for this vital vitamin.

Acerola is gaining in popularity due to the potential benefits it may have for your health. The antioxidant properties of acerola are thought to protect the body from oxidative damages caused by free radicals. It may improve overall health including heart health and mental clarity.

Acerola also contains other minerals and vitamins, including Calcium , Magnesium and Potassium . These nutrients can help maintain healthy muscles, bones and blood sugar levels. According to some research , acerola consumption may help fight infection and reduce Inflammation .

Acerola: Benefits and Uses

Acerola is a great choice to boost your intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C boosts immunity, helps reduce inflammation and improves skin health. It also plays a vital role in the production of collagen, which is important for healthy hair, skin and nails.

Acerola may also have numerous health benefits. It is believed that acerola may improve cardiovascular health through reducing bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol. Some studies suggest that it has anti-cancer qualities, since certain cancer types appear to be inhibited by its ability to slow down the growth of cells.

Acerola is also said to improve Digestion , liver function, and cognitive functions. Also, it is believed that it can be good for joint and eye health.

Acerola: Experts and Professionals' Opinions

Experts all agree that the acerola fruit is nutritious, versatile and offers many benefits to health. A study in Nutrients found that acerola contains "phytochemicals, carotenoids and flavonoids as well as Antioxidants ". These compounds may contribute to the fruit's wide variety of biological benefits and activities.

A study in Nutrition Research concluded that acerola contains bioactive substances that could protect you against some diseases. The study also concluded that eating acerola could have positive effects on health. This includes improved immune functions, enhanced antioxidant defenses and enhanced lipid metabolic processes.

A review in Nutrients found that acerola was a good source of micronutrients and vitamin C. The review noted that the acerola may help to reduce some chronic diseases such as Diabetes , cancer and cardiovascular disease. Experts agree that the acerola fruit is highly nutritious and has many health benefits.

Acerola: How do I get started?

There are many ways to incorporate acerola into your daily diet. You can eat the fruit fresh, dried or as tea or juice. Acerola supplements and powder can be found in most health food shops.

It's vital to adhere to the instructions for use on any acerola supplement. Adults should generally take 500mg acerola extract daily, although this can vary depending on product. Always consult your doctor prior to taking a new supplement.

Acerola is also a great addition to salads, smoothies, yogurts, oatmeal and many other dishes. Try blending the acerola fruit with coconut water, or add a few pieces of it to juice. Make your own acerola syrup or jam to use as a sweetener in baked goods or to top pancakes or waffles.

What are the side effects or drawbacks?

Acerola, in general, is safe for the majority of people. Due to the high content of vitamin C, it can cause stomach upset for some people. You should also be aware that certain medicines can react with acerola, which is why you need to check with your doctor first.

Acerola, as a whole, is an incredibly nutritious fruit with a delicious flavor that has many health benefits. Its high content of vitamin C and other compounds may protect you from oxidative stress and chronic disease. It can also be easily added to your diet.


Acerola, a tart and small fruit that originates from Central and South America is receiving more attention because of its health benefits. Vitamin C, as well as other vitamins and mineral, may boost the immune system, help reduce inflammation, promote cardiovascular health and combat cancer. It is also believed that it benefits digestion, liver function, and cognitive functions. It is safe to take for the majority of people. However, you should always consult your doctor prior to taking any supplement.

Acerola can be consumed fresh or dried or in tea or juice. You can add it to salads, smoothies, yogurt and many other dishes. Acerola can be a great way to get more vitamin C and enjoy the health benefits.
