What Is Progesterone?

Progesterone (also known as P4) is a hormone that has an important function in female reproduction. The corpus luteum is a temporary gland of the ovary that secretes progesterone after ovulation. During pregnancy, the adrenal glands as well as the placenta produce small quantities of progesterone. Progesterone is produced gradually during the first half menstrual cycles to prepare the uterus in preparation for the fertilisation of an egg. In the absence of pregnancy, progesterone drops and the uterus begins to shed its lining.

Progesterone is important for many other functions in the body. Progesterone regulates sodium and water, modulates the immune system, and is a precursor to other steroid hormonal substances like Testosterone, cortisol and estradiol. Also, it plays a part in regulating mood and is possibly involved in Anxiety and Depression .

What is Progesterone Used For?

Both men and women can benefit from progesterone. It Is prescribed to women for abnormal uterine blood flow, amenorrhea and infertility. Women who have difficulty getting pregnant can use it to stimulate ovulation. Progesterone can be used in men to treat prostate cancer, low testosterone, erectile problems, and Erectile Dysfunction .

Progesterone can also be used to treat postpartum depression and premenstrual symptoms (PMS). Progesterone is being investigated as a possible treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, and age-related cognitive decline. Progesterone is also used in pregnancy to prevent premature labor.

Progesterone: What are the Benefits?

It has been proven that progesterone is beneficial for fertility, pregnancy and general health. Progesterone supplements can increase fertility, decrease the chance of miscarriage and enhance pregnancy outcomes in women who have PCOS. This may reduce the symptoms of PMS and hot flashes.

Progesterone also has anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant qualities. Progesterone has shown to decrease inflammation and oxidative stresses associated with chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart failure, and cancer. Progesterone also has neuroprotective properties, and may protect against cognitive decline associated with age.

Progesterone Side Effects

Progesterone, although generally regarded as safe, can have some unwanted side effects. They include fatigue, nausea, bloating and headaches. The effects of progesterone can also affect mood and libido, but these are mild.

Progesterone used long-term can increase your risk for certain health conditions such as blood clots and stroke. Progesterone should never be used by women who are breastfeeding or pregnant without first consulting their doctor. People with kidney or liver disease and those on certain medications should avoid progesterone.

Progesterone: Expert and professional opinions

Progesterone has been proven to be safe and effective in treating a wide range of conditions. They caution patients to monitor closely any side effects, and take progesterone only under supervision by a health professional. Patients with pre-existing medical conditions should consult a doctor prior to taking progesterone.

Experts agree that progesterone is an effective medication for many conditions. They do stress that progesterone should only be taken under the supervision of qualified health professionals.

Progesterone: How To Get Started

It is vital to speak to your doctor before taking progesterone. You doctor can determine whether progesterone will work for you, and the dosage recommended. You will be advised on the best place to buy progesterone by your doctor.

Follow the directions provided by your physician when taking progesterone. Don't take the prescribed dosage or stop abruptly taking it without first consulting with your doctor. Monitor your mood and libido. Report any symptoms to your doctor.


The female reproductive system is a major source of progesterone. Progesterone is prescribed to treat many conditions including infertility and recurrent miscarriages. The hormone has been shown to be beneficial for fertility, pregnancy and general health. Progesterone, while generally safe, can have some unwanted side effects.

It is essential that anyone who wishes to use progesterone consults a healthcare professional before taking it. Only a healthcare professional should supervise the use of progesterone. Progesterone is a treatment that can help treat many different conditions.
