Paxil: What you need to know

Paxil, also known as Paroxetine or Paxil in the United States and Canada, is a brand of the antidepressant medication paroxetine. This is one of most commonly prescribed drugs to treat Depression , social Anxiety disorder and post-traumatic distress disorder (PTSD). The drug works by increasing the serotonin level in the brain. This helps to improve mood and reduce stress.

Paxil is used for what?

Paxil can be prescribed to treat depression and other conditions such as panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, OCD, or post-traumatic disorder. Paxil has been shown to be effective at treating depression as well anxiety disorders.

Paxil is also effective at treating severe premenstrual disorder, or premenstrual dysphoric syndrome (PMDD). Sometimes It Is prescribed for hot flashes that are associated with menopause as well as the generalized anxiety disorder.

Paxil: What are the Benefits?

Paxil, a prescription medication for anxiety and depression disorders, is considered safe. Paxil has been shown to be effective at reducing the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Paxil is believed to improve the quality of your life through improved concentration, motivation and sleep.

Paxil can also help to reduce the symptoms of agoraphobia - a fear or public situations. Paxil has been associated with improved sexual function in people who have sexual dysfunction caused by depression or anxiety.

Paxil Side Effects

Paxil can cause a variety of side effects. Some of these side effects include constipation and weight gain. Some of the more severe side effects include an increased risk for suicide, suicidal feelings, sexual dysfunction and changes in libido.

These side effects tend to be mild and rare. It is vital that you contact your doctor if any of these symptoms occur.

Paxil: Expert opinions

Paxil, according to most experts, is an effective and safe treatment for anxiety and depression disorders. They caution, however, that Paxil should be only used in the last resort after other treatment options have failed. Paxil is addictive and has serious side effects including suicide.

Paxil users should also be monitored closely by their doctor to make sure that it is effective. During treatment, regular blood tests are advised as well as close monitoring of the symptoms.

What is Paxil?

It is very important that you follow the instructions of your doctor if Paxil has been prescribed to you. The usual recommended dose is 10-80mg taken daily with or without eating. You doctor may change your dose depending on the way you react to medication.

Paxil is a slow-acting medication. You may need to wait several weeks until you feel its full effects. It is vital to keep in touch with your doctor during this period and tell them if you notice any change in mood or behaviour.

Only prescriptions are available for Paxil. You should consult your doctor before taking the medication. Paxil may not be suitable for all people. You should speak to your doctor about any concerns before using the drug.

What are the side effects of a syringe?

You should be aware that Paxil can cause some unwanted side effects. There are several side effects that you should be aware of. These include an increased risk for suicide and suicidal thinking, changes in your libido or sexual dysfunction, headaches dizziness blurred vision nausea dry mouth constipation weight gain and drowsiness.

It is vital that you contact your doctor if any of the side effects occur. Paxil is addictive, and you should never stop taking it without first consulting with your doctor.


Paxil, as a whole, is an effective and safe treatment for anxiety and depression disorders. Paxil has shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression as well as improve overall quality of living. Paxil is addictive, and it should be only used in the last resort after other treatment options have failed.

It is vital that you follow the instructions of your physician and keep in constant contact with him if Paxil has been prescribed to you. You may need to wait several weeks to start feeling the full effects. Be patient and closely monitor your progress.
