Bupropion: What you need to know

Bupropion is also called amfebutamone or Wellbutrin . It's used for treating Depression , seasonal effective disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Sometimes It Is prescribed as a way to quit smoking. Bupropion increases levels of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain. This affects mood, concentration and focus.

What are the uses of bupropion?

The use of bupropion in the treatment of depression, SAD and ADHD has been extensively studied. Bupropion has been shown to reduce depression symptoms in clinical trials . Bupropion can also be used to help smokers quit smoking by reducing nicotine cravings. Bupropion is effective for treating ADHD among adults. However, more research needs to be done.

Bupropion: What Are Its Benefits?

Bupropion has been shown in clinical studies to have a number of benefits. These include: reducing symptoms of depression, reducing cravings for nicotine, improving focus and concentration, and assisting with smoking cessation.

Bupropion Side Effects List

Bupropion can cause Insomnia , headaches and constipation. It may also lead to fatigue, fatigue, dizziness or nausea. Seizures, confusion, hallucinations and chest pain are rare but severe side effects. Seek medical help immediately if any of these side effects occur.

Bupropion: Experts or professionals' opinions

Bupropion, according to most experts, is an effective antidepressant for treating depression, SAD and ADHD. It also has fewer adverse effects than many other common antidepressants. They caution, however, that bupropion should not used with MAO inhibitors or during pregnancy. It should also not be used if you have a seizure condition or are taking medications for bipolar disorders.

Bupropion: How to Get Started

It is taken in two doses, twice a day. Bupropion comes as an immediate release and extended-release form. For depression, smoking cessation and SAD/ADHD, the recommended initial dose is 150mg per day. Before starting bupropion, it is important to talk with your doctor about any possible side effects.

Bupropion should not be taken by anyone younger than 18 years old. Those taking bupropion are advised to avoid alcohol as this may increase their risk of seizure. Bupropion is best taken with food as taking it on an empty stomach can cause stomach upset.


Bupropion can be used to treat depression, SAD and ADHD. It also helps smokers quit. Although it has side effects, they are usually mild and manageable. It is best to speak with your doctor prior to starting bupropion as certain drugs or medical conditions may cause it not work properly. Bupropion is a safe and effective treatment when used properly.
